1. A Dance with Dragons by George R.R. Martin
It was, famously, six years between the last Song of Ice and Fire book and this one.
What was George R.R. Martin doing all that time? Was he wandering in the
wilderness? Was he sunning on the beaches of Dorne? No: he was girding his
loins and rallying the banners, and he has come charging back with one of the
strongest books of the series, and the year. Dance with
Dragons puts us back in the main narrative stream of A Song of Ice and Fire: we go into exile with the black-humored dwarf
Tyrion, raise dragons with Daenerys, walk the wall and brood with Jon Snow.
2. The Pale
King by David
Foster Wallace
No one knew what to
expect from the half-finished manuscript that David Foster Wallace left behind
when he died. What we got was the best we could have hoped for: a construction
site of a novel, to be sure, hard hats required, with the barest skeleton of a
plot, but also some of Wallace's most direct and personal and eloquent writing.
The opening section of the book includes a dozen pages set in the head of a
junior accountant on a regional jet, just sitting and thinking, and it's
3. State of Wonder by
Ann Patchett
This is a strange, complex and triumphantly confident reimagining of Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness for a different age. Marina Singh, a docile lab rat, must follow her former mentor Dr. Annick Swenson into the sweaty and uncomfortable depths of the Amazon jungle, whence Swenson has vanished in search of the secret to a mysterious fertility drug. Singh finds her living with a bizarre indigenous tribe, but from there the mystery only deepens — Swenson's methods are, as the saying goes, unorthodox.
4. Open City by Teju Cole
There's not much by way of plot to Teju Cole's debut novel, Open City, in which a Nigerian psychiatry resident named
Julius takes long walks around New York City. But the flights of Julius' mind —
both the things he remembers and the things he elides — fuel a powerful and
unnerving inquiry into the human soul.
5. Started Early, Took My Dog by Kate Atkinson
At this point, the deliciously gloomy, ongoing adventures of the
permanently hangdog Jackson Brodie form a kind of seedy, hardboiled modern
epic. Depressed but indomitable, a fallen policeman in a fallen world, Brodie
here tugs on a slender thread, the search for the real identity of an adopted
woman in New Zealand, and an old and desperately unhappy mystery comes tumbling
out. His voice duets with that of Tracy, an unmarried police detective of a
certain age who seems doomed to a lonely decline until she impulsively and
illegally adopts a child.
6. The Family Fang by
Kevin Wilson
Meet the parents with real boundary issues:
performance artists Caleb and Camille Fang, who use their children in cruel Candid Camera–style stunts as naturally as a painter uses a brush and oil.
Annie rebels in her teens to become an actress; the more apologetic Buster, a
writer. She's Oscar-nominated but a mess; he's a mess, period. Then Mom and Dad
7. Hark! A
Vagrant by Kate Beaton
It's tough to say what list this book belongs on, but it's the debut of a smart, funny, wholly unique voice, and it ought to be somewhere, so let's put it here. Kate Beaton is a cartoonist who draws wildly expressive portraits of historical and literary figures and then makes them say funny things. " Russian (rubs beard thoughtfully): "Go on ...") But the main point is that they're hilarious. Whatever else it might be, Hark! A Vagrant is the wittiest book of the year.
8. The Hypnotist by Lars Kepler
Lars Kepler is Swedish, and he's being billed, naturally, as the
successor to Stieg Larsson. But Kepler casts a subtler, creepier spell than his
countryman (Kepler is actually the pseudonym for a Swedish husband-and-wife
writing team). The book starts with a bloodbath: Erik Maria Bark, an
emphatically retired hypnotherapist, is called in to delve into the psyche of a
young boy, the last survivor of a brutal killing spree who is incapacitated by
shock. Kepler has a remarkable feeling for physical cruelty, and his ability to
inhabit the workings of psychotic psyches is authentically shocking. Larsson is
destined to have many heirs, but of this year's crop, Kepler is by far the best.
9. Maine by J. Courtney Sullivan

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